Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Jesus and Beelzebul - Luke 11:14-22 - N. T. -

Jesus was casting out a devil and it was dumb; but when the devil had gone out the dumb man spoke, and the people were amazed. But some of them said, 'It is through Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils'. Others asked him, as a test, for a sign from heaven; but, knowing what they were thinking, Jesus said to them, 'Every kingdom divided itself is heading for ruin, and a household divided against itself collapses. So too with Satan: if he is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand?

Since you assert that it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils. Now if it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils, through whom do your own experts cast them out? Let them be your judges, then. But if it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you. So long as a strong man fully armed guards his own palace, his goods are undisturbed; but when someone stronger than he is attacks and defeats him, the stronger man takes away all the weapons he relied on and shares out his spoil.

Cf. - Matthew 12:22-29; Mark 3:22-27 - N. T. - The scribes who had come down from Jerusalem were saying, 'Beelzebul is in him' and, 'It is through the prince of devils that he casts devils out'. So Jesus called them to him and spoke to them in parables, 'How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot last. And if a household is divided against itself, that household can never stand. Now if Satan has rebelled against himself and is divided, he cannot stand either - it is the end of him. But no one can make his way into a strong man's house and burgle his house.

'I tell you solemnly, all men's sins will be forgiven, and all their blasphemies; but let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness: he is guilty of an eternal sin.' This was because they were saying, 'An unclean spirit is in him'.  

Cf. - Matthew 9:32-34 - N. T. - They had only just left when a man was brought to him, a dumb demoniac. And when the devil was cast out, the dumb man spoke and the people were amazed. 'Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel' they said. But the Pharisees said, 'It is through the prince of devils that he casts out devils'.

Cf. - Luke 11:29 - 

Cf. - Matthew 16:1-4; Mark 8:11 - N. T. - The Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test Jesus they asked if he would show them a sign from heaven. Jesus replied, 'In the evening you say, "It will be fine; there is a red sky", and in the morning, "Stormy weather today; the sky is red and overcast". You know how to read the face of the sky, but you cannot read the signs of the times. It is an evil and unfaithful generation that asks for a sign! The only sign it will be given is the sign of Jonah.' And leaving them standing there, he went away. 

Cf. - Exodus 8:11-15 - O. T. - The frogs will go from you and your palaces, your courtiers and your subjects; they will stay in the river. When Moses and Aaron had gone from Pharaoh's presence, Moses pleaded with Yahweh about the frogs with which he had afflicted Pharaoh. And Yahweh granted Moses' prayer: in house and courtyard and field the frogs died. They piled them up in heaps and the land reeked of them. But as soon as he saw that relief had been granted, Pharaoh became adamant again, and as Yahweh had foretold, he refused to listen to Moses and Aaron. 

Cf. - Matthew 12:27-28 - N. T. - And if it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils, through whom do your own experts cast them out? Let them be your judges, then. But if it is through the Spirit of God that I cast devils out, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you. 

Cf. - Luke 17:21 - 

Cf. - Matthew 4:17 - N. T. - From that moment Jesus began his preaching with the message, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand'. 

Cf. - Luke 8:29+ -

Cf. - Isaiah 49:24-25 - O. T. - Can spoil be snatched from heroes, or captives escape from a soldier? Yes, thus says Yahweh: The hero's captive will be snatched away, the soldiers spoil escape. I myself will fight with those who fight you, and I myself will save your children.

Cf. - Jeremiah 31:10-11 - O. T. - Listen, nations, to the word of Yahweh. Tell this to the distant islands, 'He who scattered Israel gathers him, he guards him as a shepherd guards his flock'. For Yahweh has ransomed Jacob, rescued him from a hand stronger than his own.

No compromise - Luke 11:23 - N. T. 

He/She who is not with me is against me; and he/she who does not gather with me scatters.

Cf. - Matthew 12:30-32 - N. T. - He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every one of men's sins and blasphemies will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And anyone who says a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but let anyone speak against the Holy Spirit and he will not be forgiven either in this world or in the next.

Cf. - Luke 9:50 -

Return of the unclean spirit - Luke 11:24-26 - N. T. -

'When an unclean spirit goes out of a man it wanders through waterless country looking for a place to rest, and not finding one it says, "I will go back to the home I came from". But on arrival, finding it swept and tidied, it then goes off and brings seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and set up house there, so that the man ends up being worse than he was before.'

Cf. - Leviticus 16:20-22 - O. T. - Matthew 12:43-45 - N. T. - 'When and unclean spirit goes out of a man it wanders through waterless country looking for a place to rest, and cannot find one. Then it says, "I will return to the home I came from". But on arrival, finding it unoccupied, swept and tidied, it then goes off and collects seven other spirits more evils than itself, and they go in and set up house there, so that the man ends up by being worse than he was before. that is what will happen to this evil generation.' 
                                                            -  PAGE  37  -
 The truly happy

Now as Jesus was speaking, a woman.......  -  PAGE  38  -
Faith . Hope . Love - Welcome donation. Thank You. God bless. 

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It is true, God sent his word to the people of Israel, and it was to them that the Good News of peace was brought by Jesus Christ - But Jesus Christ is Lord of all men. - Acts 10:36 -

To you my friends I say: Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after can do no more. I will tell you whom to fear: fear Him who after he has killed, has the power to cast into hell. - Luke 12:4-5 -

I shall not call you servants anymore,
because a servant does not know
his/her master's business;
I call you friends, 
because I have made known to you
everything I have learnt from my Father. - John 15:15 -


WELCOME TO SACRED SCRIPTURE / WORD OF GOD / HOLY BIBLE READER'S COMMUNITY. - Wishing you, 'Happy Reading', and may God, the Father, the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ, fills your heart, mind, thoughts, and grants you: The Holy Spirit, that is, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Piety, Fortitude, Fear of the Lord, and also His fruits of the Holy Spirit, that is, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Trustfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Amen! God blessing be upon you!  

How? And in what way, when it come to understanding matters: What I was always being told is: There are ways and preferences to comprehend all matters, whether it is of spirituality and unspirituality.

Firstly, in a literally manner: That is, used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.

Secondly, in a humanly manner: That is, from a human point of view, in a humanly manner, by human means; within ability; with human feeling or kindness.

Thirdly, in a spiritually manner: That is, in a way that relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

Finally, in an unspiritual manner: That is, not spiritual. But secular and worldly.  

Hence, these two books (The Gospel According To Apostle/Saint Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles) of the New Testament were closely associated, and being call 'a history of the rise of Christianity'. Therefore, I faithfully believe that it is utmost importance for us; all human beings to comprehend these two books, [ All the others Old Testament and New Testament books are equally importance, but as for now, we will start studying and read these two books first, that is, being call 'a history of the rise of Christianity', before continuing the other books.] to the best of our knowledge and enabling our spirit to acknowledges: "Who is God, and how, and in what ways, that is, God is with us." Amen! 

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