Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The lost son (the 'prodigal') and the dutiful son - Luke 15:11-30 - N. T. 

Jesus also said, 'A man had two sons. The younger said to his father, "Father, let me have the share of the estate that would come to me". So the father divided the property between them. A few days later, the younger son got together everything he had and left for a distant country where he squandered his money on a life of debaucher.

When he had spent it all, that country experienced a severe famine, and now he began to feel the pinch, so he hired himself out to one of the local inhabitants who put him on his farm to feed the pigs. And he would willingly have filled his belly with the husks the pigs were eating but no one offered him anything. Then he came to his senses and said, "How many of my father's paid servants have more food than they want, and here am I dying of hunger! I will leave this place and go to my father and say: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserved to be called your son; treat me as one of your paid servants." So he left the place and went back to his father.

While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity. He ran to the boy, clasped him in his arms and kissed him tenderly. Then his son said, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son." But the father said to his servants, "Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the calf we have been fattening, and kill it; we are going to have a feast, a celebration, because this son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and is found." And they began to celebrate.

Now the elder son was out in the fields, and on his way back, as he drew near the house, he could hear music and dancing. Calling one of the servants he asked what it was all about. "Your brother has come" replied the servant "and your father has killed the calf we had fattened because he has got him back safe and sound." He was angry then and refused to go in, and his father came out to plead with him; but he answered his father, "Look, all these years I have slaved for you and never once disobeyed your orders, yet you never offered me so much as a kid for me to celebrate with my friends. But for this son of yours, when he comes back after swallowing up your property - he and his women - you kill the calf we had been fattening." 

'The father said, "My son, you are with me always and all I have is yours. But it was right we should celebrate and rejoice, because your brother here was dead and has come to life; he was lost and is found."'

Cf. - Proverbs 29:3 - O. T. - The lover of Wisdom makes his father glad, but the patron of harlots fritters his wealth away. 

Cf. - Ecclesiasticus/Sirach 9:6 - O. T. - Do not give your soul to whores, or you will ruin your inheritance.

Cf. - Proverbs 27:7 - O. T. - The gorged throat revolts at honey, the hungry throat finds all bitterness sweet.

Cf. - Zechariah 10:9 - O. T. - I have scattered them among the peoples but from far away they will remember me (they will teach their sons, and these will return). 

Cf. - Hosea 2:9 - O. T. - That is why, when the time comes, I mean to withdraw my corn, and my wine, when the season for it comes. I will retrieve my wool, my flax, that were intended to cover her nakedness.

Cf. - Tobit 7:6 - O. T. - Raguel leapt to his feet and kissed him and wept 

Cf. - Jeremiah 3:12f - O. T. - So go and shout these words towards the North: "Come back, disloyal Israel - it is Yahweh who speaks - I shall frown on you no more since I am merciful - it is Yahweh who speaks." 

Cf. - Isaiah 49:14-16 - O. T. - For Zion was saying, 'Yahweh has abandoned me, the Lord has forgotten me'. Does a woman forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb? Yet even if these forget, I will never forget you. See, I have branded you on the palms of my hands your ramparts are always under my eye.

Cf. - Jeremiah 31:20 - O. T. - Is Ephraim, then, so dear a son to me, a child so favoured, that after each threat of mine. I must still remember him, still be deeply moved for him, and let my tenderness yearn over him? It is Yahweh who speaks. 

Cf. - Luke 19:10 - 

Cf. - Jonah 4:1-2 - O. T. - Jonah was very indignant at this; he fell into a rage. He prayed to Yahweh and said, 'Ah! Yahweh, is not this just as I said would happen when I was still at home? That was why I went and fled to Tarshish: I knew that you were a God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness, relenting from evil.  

Cf. - Luke 1:14+ - 

Cf. - Ezekiel 18:23; 33:11 - O. T. - What! Am I likely to take pleasure in the death of a wicked man - it is the Lord Yahweh who speaks - and not prefer to see him renounce his wickedness and live? Say to them, "As I live - it is the Lord Yahweh who speaks - I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked man, but turning back of a wicked man who changes his ways to win life. Come back, come back from your evil ways. Why are you so anxious to die, House of Israel?"  

Cf. -Luke 19:10 -         
                                                              -  PAGE  51  -
The crafty steward
Jesus also said to his disciples,...           -  PAGE  52  - 

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Just as God originally inspired the Sacred Scripture/Holy Bible, He has used this means to preserve His Word for future generations. But behind the writing lay periods of time when these messages were circulated in spoken form. [Oral Tradition] The stories of the patriarchs were passed from generation to generation by word of mouth before they were written. [Written Tradition] The messages of the prophets were delivered orally before they were fixed in writing. Narratives of the life and ministry of Christ Jesus were repeated orally for two or three decades before they were given written form.

WELCOME TO SACRED SCRIPTURE / WORD OF GOD / HOLY BIBLE READER'S COMMUNITY. - Wishing you, 'Happy Reading', and may God, the Father, the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ, fills your heart, mind, thoughts, and grants you: The Holy Spirit, that is, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Piety, Fortitude, Fear of the Lord, and also His fruits of the Holy Spirit, that is, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Trustfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Amen! God blessing be upon you!

Hence, these two books (The Gospel According To Apostle/Saint Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles) of the New Testament were closely associated, and being call 'a history of the rise of Christianity'. Therefore, I faithfully believe that it is utmost importance for us; all human beings to comprehend these two books, [ All the others Old Testament and New Testament books are equally importance, but as for now, we will start studying and read these two books first, that is, being call 'a history of the rise of Christianity', before continuing the other books.] to the best of our knowledge and enabling our spirit to acknowledges: "Who is God, and how, and in what ways, that is, God is with us." Amen!  

It is to the Lord Jesus Christ that all the prophets bear this witness: that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name. - Acts 10:43 - 

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